Market research by Sofis has revealed that many companies apply a self-made or ‘bracket-type’ position transmitter or position indicator to manual multi-rotation valves. This transmitter measures the distance of travel of any moving object and transmits a signal. In practice, these companies often experience serious issues with these kinds of valve position indicator.
Product characteristics
A valve position transmitter should signal a valve’s accurate position. It should also be sufficiently durable to resist harsh weather conditions and influences caused by vibration.
A position transmitter specifically geared to manual linear valves
The VPI position indicator is the ideal position transmitter for tracking the position of manual linear valves. It has been designed to meet industrial application requirements. VPI uses a mechanical counter to convert a valve’s open and closed positions to electronic signals. It is incorporated into a standardised robust enclosure and ensures the accuracy of valve-status signals sent to the control room. The sensor is completely enclosed in the compact and solid body of the valve position indicator. Various switches or sensors can be used, depending on the application and customer-specific requirements. What’s more, the valve position indicator can be equipped with wireless connections to the DCS.
Tested and proven in the field
The VPI position indicator is extensively tested and has proven its reliability in the field. Thousands of VPIs have already been installed in the oil and gas, and petrochemical, industries. It is particularly valued for its accuracy, while its durability and performance in all climates and weather conditions are also appreciated as valuable product characteristics.