If sequential control is unnecessary, a valve locking device can be used to temporarily lock off the valve. The valve locking device enables individual personnel to isolate equipment while they... read more →
Using a service valve wrench or valve opener to open or close manual multi-turn valves can easily result in damage and burrs, for instance by choosing an inappropriate hook. In... read more →
Opening or closing valves in the wrong order can have disastrous consequences and cause fatal injury to operators. It can also lead to product spills, plant and equipment damage and... read more →
Chain-drive valves and scaffolding are often used to operate hard-to-reach manual valves. In many cases, however, these solutions are expensive, time-consuming and dangerous. Remote valve operator for hazardous areas FlexiDrive... read more →
Market research by Sofis has revealed that many companies apply a self-made or ‘bracket-type’ position transmitter or position indicator to manual multi-rotation valves. This transmitter measures the distance of travel... read more →
The VPI position indicator (VPI) provides process facility control rooms with a reliable remote signal, keeping personnel aware of the current position of hand wheel-operated gate valves. Accurate valve status... read more →
Pigging systems are used to insert a pipeline inspection gauge (pig) into a live system transporting gas or liquid media, in order to perform various maintenance operations. As they involve... read more →
A pigging operation is dangerous, as opening a pig trap closure while there is pressure in the barrel can shoot the pig out of the launcher at high speeds. Attempting... read more →
Sofis valve operation has installed a safety system for bulk handling at logistics company Limpens Elsloo. The system prevents contamination due to incorrect filling of silos. Thanks to the smart... read more →
A fatal incident on June 25th 2012 at a production facility of one of the globally leading oil companies in the United States proves the need for guaranteeing safe pigging... read more →