Eliminate loading errors and the risk of product contamination by guaranteeing a correct valve line-up.
Ensure correct manual valve line-ups
By electronically monitoring and regulating the operation of your manual valves, you can ensure a correct line-up. You prevent errors resulting in spills and contamination and all its related costs, including reputational damage.
Two ways to achieve zero contamination
Enforce correct manual valve operations
The valve line-up system ensures correct manual valve operations during loading and unloading by electronically monitoring and regulating the operation of your manual valves.

Monitor manual valves positions
The VPI position indicator provides reliable real-time position information from manual multi-turn valves directly to your control room.
Visit us at the ILTA conference and trade show
Visit our stand 973 at the 2018 ILTA International Operating Conference & Trade Show, from June 11–13 in Houston. We will demonstrate our solutions to prevent contamination during product handling. It’s free to attend the event and our expertise is free. We will show you how you can operate more efficiently and significantly reduce your risks.

Case study
In the tank storage industry, product contamination during product movements is a common issue. A leading tank storage company managed to avoid product contamination during cargo loading with a dedicated valve-line up system.