Sofis Key Management Systems allow you to control the operation of your safety critical valves, secured by valve interlocks. The digital key management platform is built specifically for operations teams, to ensure safety, visibility, ease, and efficiency during regular operations. They also reduce operational losses in time-critical processes like shutdowns and turnarounds.
Key Management System
Improve operator efficiency and plant performance
Take control of all your valve interlocking keys with the Sofis Key Management System. Designed for improved safety, efficiency, visibility, and administrative control.
Tracking interlock key movements

Quickly identify missing keys.
Guiding operators to 'right first time'

Clearly guide operators to reduce the scope for error.
Confirming valve position and system status info

Integrate intelligence from manual valve operations.
A scalable solution
The Key Management System consists of a master cabinet (80 key positions), and sub-cabinets (120 positions). 20 sub-cabinets can be connected to one master cabinet. Valve interlock keys are equipped with an RFID chip, allowing the key management system to recognize the key and guide the operator to insert it into the correct key position. A limit switch detects the presence of the key, and a solenoid traps the key. The key can be released only by permissive authorization.
Valve interlocks are installed on critical manual valves to ensure safe valve operation. With the key management system, you can prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing keys to interlocking systems. Operators can log in using their unique PIN code or RFID badge. If a key is missing beyond the set time limit, a reminder is issued. Any interlocking systems in non-default states are highlighted.
By using the Key Management System, you never lose keys, and you can track all key transactions. Key audit reports can be generated instantly, saving valuable time during shift changes and after shutdown and turnarounds. No paper forms or processes are required, as this is all managed digitally. The system is completely scalable, allowing you to manage all your valve interlock keys in one system.

The Key Management System enables you to easily get a clear view of the open and closed status of each valve with an interlock on-site. Operating manuals and P&IDs per system are readily available to guide your operator. Missing key reports and system reports can be created at the click of a button. To comply with regulations, all valve operations (like periodic PSV switchovers), can be tracked via key transactions reporting functionality.
Administrative control
Operations team hierarchies and access levels are all clearly defined in your Key Management System. Team lead or supervisor authorization can be made mandatory for critical systems and processes. Administrators can change the system configuration easily on the UI or from the Excel configuration file.
Reference companies
The Sofis Key Management System is the most intelligent valve interlock key management system available to the market, forming the basis of the new industry standard for valve interlock key management.

Sofis offers you support through local service centres and a network of certified local service partners. This enables efficient installation and maintenance of your Sofis products. We strive to create partnerships with our clients, providing a turnkey approach to service. This will lead to a reduction in your total cost of ownership.